14 dic 2006
30 already??
Yes, 30 already!!, maybe most of you will say..." you´re still a baby, 30 is nothing..." Yeeeah , I know but, it is the big change for me.I still feel that there is so much to learn in life, and it feels weird for me to be 30 when I don´t even have a house of my own , nor a wife , nor a stable life. I don´t get the typical "old guy" kind of stuff, I keep doing the same stuff as I was when I was 23, animating , playing games, watching animated movies, moving from one city to another...
I say that because most people from my generation already are married, have houses, even kids.And I guess that causes me some kind of internal reflexions about my life... I don´t know...!!
10 oct 2006
If you happen to be in Mallorca...
27 sept 2006
Fishing with Dad!
Picasa Web Album test. This is a test to post a link to my picasa web photo album.
If you don´t know it , Picasa is a free software from Google to browse and organize you pictures, it´s really fast and it has great features.Have a look here
26 sept 2006
I want this THING!!
By the way sorry about the lack of post lately.No real excuse , really, just lazyness.
27 jul 2006
Popstars at the beach
This guy was next to us at the beach the other day and he WOULDN´T stop singing along with his little MP3 doing weird poses. It was a pain for the ears!! he looked like he was training for "Popstars" or the spanish "Operacion Triunfo"singing really bad songs badly !!
Funny though!
Yet another Keytoon caricature. This is the guy who takes care of all the artists at the studio, he can get EVERYTHING for you, If you need a flat , he´ll find it for you, if you need coffee , he´ll get it, if you have tax problems he´ll sort everything out for you!!.
Multi-task, ultra-effective, David La Cruz!!
19 jul 2006
My little tribute to pixar "Cars"
Just did this in my sketchbook the other day. I love the simplicity and appeal of those cars designs. I specially love the "cuteness" in wich they are designed, specially "Sally" the female Porche.
I take this opportunity to say that I was really impressed with this movie , the way they managed to make believable breathing , living characters out of inanimate objects , is just jaw dropping.My most sincere congratulations to Lasseter and all the team involved in "Cars".
27 jun 2006
Final Disney Channel spots
Next to the animatic are the final spots beautifully rendered by Johnatan Catalan , and with great matte paintings by Toni Reyna.Character rigging is by Luis Sanjuan and modelling and supervision by Jaime Maestro.I also supervised animation in all of them.
This one was animated by David Cuevas
This is Johnatan Cuevas´s animation
This was animated by Alex Mateo
AAAnd this is the one I animated.
Hope you guys like it!!
Another caricature of one of the Keytooners.
He´s the character/concept designer of the studio, check out his blog:
14 jun 2006
The Spa
I know it´s stupid, I know it´s silly , I know it´s rough, but what the hell!!!.In beetwen projects I get the spare time to enjoy a bit of fun wacom doodling.
Hope you like it!
4 jun 2006
This is what happened when somebody brought the "Cars"toys at the studio...
31 may 2006
More "Lost"
18 may 2006
Straight ahead animation
It´s been long since I don´t do this: simply animate , no planning, no pose-to-pose , simply one drawing after the other. I missed the freshness of it, so I took Macromedia Flash and doodled away!
17 may 2006
Last winter...
I was riding bike to go to work everyday in freezing cold Madrid... I don´t miss those times too much.
Keytoon´s render guy
He´s Johnny our render-lighting guy at Keytoon.He cut his bloddy hair after I did the caricature...
10 may 2006
The girls of Malvarosa beach
In Valencia there is a huge beach, the Malvarosa.Last Sunday we went there with our sketchbooks in the hunt for beauty!.
7 may 2006
Bearded fella
The documentary has some interesting interviews with the experiences of the last group of Disney traditional animators who one day were told to leave their desks.
Last year I designed this character for a friend of mine who wanted to model and rig a character in the spare time and , maybe in the future make a small short film with him. But , things got busy , specially moving to Berlin to work and the little project never happened.
4 may 2006
26 abr 2006
The Uli influence...
I went to London last weekend and I visited Uli´s studio . If there is an animation heaven this must be it. At least in Europe!! , the place is full of amazing sculptures and beautiful drawings .And the man himself , he also inspires with his energy and great talent. Here is a little sketch I did on the plane back to Spain, clearly inspired in Uli´s style of drawing.
9 mar 2006
Gym Poster
I used Flash to clean up the rough drawings to give the "manga" look I wanted for the lines and colors.
I like doing this small jobs, but I can´t wait to get started in animation again. I´m going to head to Valencia to a studio called Keytoon , www.keytoon.com . Have a look at their stuff it´s brilliant!. The thing about this new job is that I´m going to have to animate in 3dMax witch I hate..! but nevermind.
I´ve sent some reels up in Los Angeles but no answer yet, I guess I´m spending this summer in Spain.... yeeehooow!
15 feb 2006
Animated smilies
I love doing those, feel free to download them and use them in your IM sofware, messenger or whaterver. Hope you like them!!
7 feb 2006
The Place I was suposed to be...
I was meant to be part of the animation team so , now its jobhunting time again...
Who knows where I will end up in the next few months??? This is an unconfortable feeling I hope it alls gets clearer in the near future....!!
24 ene 2006
23 ene 2006
The Real Joselito ...
... just observe the eyebrow naturally pointing up.Impossible to miss it when doing a caricature!!I tend to observe people a lot , sometimes too much without me being able to control myself, its a kind of impulsive thing.
He doesn't normally look this serious though.That's another thing , I also love to observe the actitude of people, just getting the features right is not enough. It's important to know the person you're drawing , that's why I don't really like drawing famous people so much. I like to register somebody that I knew and sort of take that essence and try to put it in that drawing.That's a lot more fun , but something that not everybody can apreciate, only the people who knows the "victim". Well I hope you liked the drawing anyways even if you don't know Jose!!
Joselito el peluquero
He's Jose the hairdresser also friend of my mate Leo sanchez :http://www.leo-sanchez.com
He was pleased with the drawing.. well at least that's what he told me....
20 ene 2006
Problems posting
I accidentally deleted the Wansee post , but there I leave you the image again.Cheers!!