27 jun 2006

Final Disney Channel spots

Here are the animatics I did for four little spots in Disney channel Spain.These are done in Flash, just like the other silly animations I posted before.They where very useful to previsualize the whole thing and make changes on the fly. When they were fully approved by the client all the team used them as reference to move on to CG
Next to the animatic are the final spots beautifully rendered by Johnatan Catalan , and with great matte paintings by Toni Reyna.Character rigging is by Luis Sanjuan and modelling and supervision by Jaime Maestro.I also supervised animation in all of them.

This one was animated by David Cuevas

This is Johnatan Cuevas´s animation

This was animated by Alex Mateo

AAAnd this is the one I animated.

Hope you guys like it!!


Another caricature of one of the Keytooners.

He´s the character/concept designer of the studio, check out his blog:



14 jun 2006

The Spa

I know it´s stupid, I know it´s silly , I know it´s rough, but what the hell!!!.In beetwen projects I get the spare time to enjoy a bit of fun wacom doodling.

Hope you like it!

4 jun 2006


Don´t you just love feeling like a small kid again?
This is what happened when somebody brought the "Cars"toys at the studio...