Yes, 30 already!!, maybe most of you will say..." you´re still a baby, 30 is nothing..." Yeeeah , I know but, it is the big change for me.I still feel that there is so much to learn in life, and it feels weird for me to be 30 when I don´t even have a house of my own , nor a wife , nor a stable life. I don´t get the typical "old guy" kind of stuff, I keep doing the same stuff as I was when I was 23, animating , playing games, watching animated movies, moving from one city to another...
I say that because most people from my generation already are married, have houses, even kids.And I guess that causes me some kind of internal reflexions about my life... I don´t know...!!
7 comentarios:
Moooooooolts D'aaaaaaaaaanys. Bienvenido al club de los treinta i tantos. Algunos dicen que es la mejor epoca de la vida.Se supone que a los 30 ya tienes un buen curro, ganas pasta, tienes pareja, esperiencia y todavia te queda energia para vivir a tope. Si eres como yo que no tiene nada de eso pues es que solo eres un pringado pero mas viejo. ;)
Cuidate abuelo.
Eso no es nada hombre!!! si estas echo un chaval :D
Welcome to the club! I turned 30 this year also... it is kinda crazy and definately makes you reflect on life. Congrats! I wish you many many more!
ah, come on, it's just a number! you're not supposed to have a particular lifesyle by the age of 30!
Instead, i think you should be glad of being 30 and still not having a house of your own, nor a wife, keep playing videogames, watching animated movies, moving from one city to another... :)
happy birthday and keep learning!
Hey Dani! Vamos, vamos, hay que animarse más!!!!! :)
Entiendo perfectamente como te puedes sentir, yo estoy con los 28, y camino de los 29, y con menos de la mitad, de la experiencia que tu tienes, así que más o menos se de lo que hablas.........pero sólo puedo decirte, que no cambies, que por aquí te queremos com eres. Sigue jugando a juegos (com yo... XD), viendo películas, y disfrutando lo que puedas con la novia y amigos, y sobre todo, no dejes de animar.... ;)
Espero verte con más ánimos, nos vemos el Lunes ;)
Hehe! I hear you Daniel, I have just turned the big Three O! 30 is a strange age for me too. I feel I am still a kid and have lots more to do:)
Feel exactly the same dude. Don't worry about it man, all your married friends would love to have the freedom to move to different cities/countries & have so much fun. Count yourself lucky!
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