31 may 2006

More "Lost"

Charlie , Kate and Sawyer. Unfourtunely the series has stopped til October!! shiiit!! there´s still too much mystery and questions to be answered! . Can´t wait for season 03!

18 may 2006

Straight ahead animation

It´s been long since I don´t do this: simply animate , no planning, no pose-to-pose , simply one drawing after the other. I missed the freshness of it, so I took Macromedia Flash and doodled away!


Some characters from the TV show "LOST". I´m hooked to that shit.

17 may 2006

Do not litter in the park!

To the beach again...


This time I didn´t draw , just contemplate.

Last winter...

I was riding bike to go to work everyday in freezing cold Madrid... I don´t miss those times too much.

Keytoon´s render guy

He´s Johnny our render-lighting guy at Keytoon.He cut his bloddy hair after I did the caricature...


10 may 2006

The girls of Malvarosa beach

In Valencia there is a huge beach, the Malvarosa.Last Sunday we went there with our sketchbooks in the hunt for beauty!.


Another sketch done during playblast render times...

7 may 2006

Red haired girl

Bearded fella

There is one guy at the documentary "Dream on Sill dreamer"that inspired this sketch.

The documentary has some interesting interviews with the experiences of the last group of Disney traditional animators who one day were told to leave their desks.


Last year I designed this character for a friend of mine who wanted to model and rig a character in the spare time and , maybe in the future make a small short film with him. But , things got busy , specially moving to Berlin to work and the little project never happened.


4 may 2006


...very rough

Give me my fuckin clothes!!

Don´t you hate when the washing machine just wont open???