27 sept 2006

Fishing with Dad!

De pesca con Papa!
Jul 27, 2006 - 51 Photos

Picasa Web Album test. This is a test to post a link to my picasa web photo album.
If you don´t know it , Picasa is a free software from Google to browse and organize you pictures, it´s really fast and it has great features.Have a look here

26 sept 2006

I want this THING!!

Seems like the perfect combination beetween the old days and modern technology in animation. I usually draw in my Wacom tablet and I got used to it. But I can´t wait to have something like this in my hands, just been able to look down where my hand and my pencil is as I draw.

By the way sorry about the lack of post lately.No real excuse , really, just lazyness. Posted by Picasa